
I was three years old, my sister four.

Mom was pregnant with our little brother.

Our mother wore a beautiful dark blue

Spotty dress. Laura wore green and I pink.

A couple of years later, we baked with

Mom. Laura’s cupcakes were perfect, mine blue.

Becoming a mum in my early twenties

Changed everything. But then, doesn’t it

always? My eldest son just turned 17.

The first two years were like one thousand,

And no time at all, were the next 15.

It snowed today: the daffodils yellow,

bowed under the burden of heavy white.

It is spring and Mother’s Day soon. New

life appears from the ground up, but winter

isn’t quite ready to loosen its grip.

I have four children, but only two are

on Earth.

Mums are the keepers of memories,

Hope and grief. Side by side, they grow.

More Christmas crafts

Our new Christmas tree is up! And it just about fits in the house.

The angel is made from loo roll, felt and cardboard. The elf is from a kit from Hobbycraft.

The cardboard Christmas tree has felt and cardboard home-made decorations, with velcro at the back so that they can be easily moved around on the tree.

I enjoyed making the Nativity scene with the kids. There was an incident where my daughter decapitated baby Jesus, but I soon fixed him and we have agreed not to speak of it again.


Christmas felt crafts

It’s Christmas next month, so it must be time to get out the craft materials.

I made these cute penguin and reindeer finger puppets with a set from Prima Christmas Makes magazine.

Great for stocking fillers or they could easily be turned into Christmas tree decorations with the addition of a bit of ribbon.

Craft kit with Prima magazine.

Penguin and reindeer finger puppets.

I decided to give them hearts. 🙂

Good for stocking fillers.

My daughter has been asking for a nappy for her doll for a while now. The poor thing was naked (the doll, not my daughter). So I made her a nappy, using buttons for fasteners as I don’t have any velcro.

Nappy for doll.

Baby wears nappy

After that, I thought that doll still looked a little underdressed, so made her a raincoat. It’s not waterproof, but looks the part. Now she needs some wellies.

Doll wearing raincoat