Spinal art

The thoracic vertebrae sit in the middle of your spine between the cervical (neck) and lumbar. There are 12 thoracic vertebrae and they are the only ones to support ribs. They are labelled T1 to T12.

I have metastatic breast cancer in my T3, which sits between my shoulder blades.

This is my first attempt at drawing a realistic vertebrae, so it definitely isn’t perfect. This is one without cancer. I don’t know what my one looks like exactly: a little growth somewhere in there.

80% of spinal cancers are secondary, ie they originated in a different part of the body, and are therefore terminal.

I also have a cancer in the cervical vertabrae, C7, which sits at the base of the neck. It is also called vertebra prominens. There are 7 cervical vertebrae.

C7 controls the movement of the head and is closely linked to the use of arms and hands; although leg movement can also be affected if it is damaged. Serious damage to C7 can cause paralysis.

Cancer can grow in different parts of your vertebrae.

“Intradural-extramedullary tumor:

This type of tumor is located inside the thin covering of your spinal cord (dura) but outside of your actual spinal cord. Approximately 40% of all spinal tumors are in this area.

Intramedullary tumor:

This type of tumor grows inside of your spinal cord. Approximately 5% of all spinal tumors are in this area.

Extradural tumor:

This type of tumor is located outside your dura (the thin covering surrounding your spinal cord), which includes your vertebrae (the bones that form your spine). Approximately 55% of spinal tumors are in this area.”

Source: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/breast-cancer/secondary/symptoms

Christmas poem

I was asked to write a poem for my church’s recently Christmas Carol service.


It’s been a tough year, that’s for sure.

Bills and prices increasing and happiness and health going down.

Every day is a struggle, And there are too many troubles…

I just want one thing; is it too much to ask? The best Christmas for my kids.

But there is so much pressure: the perfect dinner, the perfect gifts, the perfect matching family pyjamas, for the dog too, of course!

How am I meant to do it? I’m only human!

There is so much pressure.

Sometimes, I want to give up.

But I want to be happy, like others are.

So, I keep spending more money.

Credit card is overflowing.

And the mulled wine keeps flowing,

And the photos aren’t showing

That my patience is near breaking.

I wish that there was more to Christmas than just this.

When did Christmas become about the best home, the best clothes?

Trying to impress others?

Posting your perfect tree and matching decs on Facebook,

trying to look like your house is always tidy and calm.

Forcing the kids and dog into shiny outfits and trying to look full of joy;

that you haven’t spent the last hour arguing.

Pretending to everyone else that you aren’t worn out when all you want to do is relax with your family, making free memories?

Credit card is overflowing,

And the mulled wine keeps flowing,

And the photos aren’t showing

That my patience is near breaking.

I wish that there was more to Christmas than just this.


Mummy is stressed: I think it’s because I didn’t want to get dressed.

Into a sparkly frog jumper.

I shouted, “no, it looks silly!”

Then tried to thump her.

I shouldn’t have done that, I know.

I just get fed up with smiling for photos,

brushing my hair and holding hands

with my smelly brother.

We don’t get along, so why pretend that we do?

Just for her nosy friends on her phone.

Why do they care what we do anyway?

Mummy is shouting and the dog is howling.

I have to hold hands with my brother

and wipe the crumbs off the sofa.

I’m fed up with Christmas already,

it makes everyone cross.

I wish that there was more to Christmas than all this.

Older person:

Do you ever wish that there was more to Christmas than all the stress?

Well, I have some good news for you.

Many years ago a perfect baby boy was born to a woman.

She was young, not married and no doubt, worried, sore and exhausted.

She was normal, no-one special,

But she trusted God with her life: that is the important part.

The baby is God: named Jesus;

A perfect person sent to an imperfect and messy, stressy world.

God loves us so much that he sent His son, Jesus, to save us.

Born on the first Christmas,

he lived a perfect life in an imperfect world.

Jesus doesn’t mind if you are messy or well-dressed; bored or stressed.

Jesus doesn’t need money to be spent:

You can’t buy his love: he already loves you,

and hopes that you will love him too.